School opening and closing times

Christ Church Primary School gates will open as follows:

KS2/KS1-School gates will open at 8.35am and children will walk straight to their classrooms, rather than lining up on the playground, ready for registration at 8.45am. Morning registration time will be from 8.45am-9.00am. Please ensure your child is escorted to the school gate by no later than 8.40am. Gates will be closed at 8.50am.

End of the day routines will remain the same with school finishing at 3.15pm and children lining up on the playground shortly after this.

This will allow for the total hours provided in a typical wek of 32.5hours

Reception classes to line up at the side gate ready for 8.45am, they will then line up outside the Reception classes and be greeted by their class teacher before moving into the classroom.

End of the day routines will remain the same with children finishing at 3.10pm and lining up under the shelter and parents /carers collecting from the side gate.